Monday, June 15, 2009

Why You Should Choose Green Tea Over Coffee For Maximun Weight-Loss

Coffee is not good for you. Even if it's a sugar-free, non-fat skinny, soy latte whatever.... It will not do your body good.

Your body does not know how to digest the acid in coffee so guess where it is stored? Your midsection. That's right, your body stores it as belly fat. Coffee also increases your sugar cravings so you tend to eat more sweets.

Green Tea has one component that coffee does not, called and EGCG. EGCG is an antioxidant with incredible health benefits from aiding in weight-loss to cancer prevention.

The reason EGCG helps us to lose weight is it increases thermogenesis, or heat production, by influencing enzymes in the metabolic process. This means that your metabolism speeds up resulting in increasing your ability to burn calories throughout the day. So whether you are running a marathon or typing on your computer you will burn more calories then if you had not drank any tea.

Caffeine also has a similar effect but the effect of EGCG is much stronger. So always pick green tea over coffee. Your body will thank you.

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people lost more weight drinking green tea than those who drank regular oolong tea. The study was performed over a three-month period where people either drank a bottle of green tea or a bottle of oolong tea each day.

A substance in green tea called catechins may also stimulate weight loss by increasing the body's ability to burn calories. Even though black and oolong teas come from the same plant as green tea, the green tea leaves are not fermented before they are steamed and dried.

When I gave up coffee, green tea became my savior. I love to make green tea with soy milk and honey for a perfect morning or mid-day pick-me up.

The way I make it is I heat up the water (filtered water not tap) on the stove (don't use the microwave) then I pour the hot water into a cup then put the teabag in. Don't heat the water with the teabag in it because that makes it boil out some of the natural healing properties of the tea.

Then I add soy milk (Or you can try rice milk) and a drop of organic honey for a hot and healthy treat. I try to make at least two cups a day. Try it!

Melody Biggar is co-author of "Natural Sexy Skinny: An Organic, All-Natural Weight-Loss System." To learn more weight-loss secrets and get a free weight-loss e-course visit

For more weight-loss tips check out the blog at

oolong wuyi tea: wu-yi tea

oolong wuyi tea: wu-yi

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Hypertension Help - How Supplements can Cure High Blood Pressure

You are looking for hypertension help because you do not want to be on medication the rest of your life. Unfortunately, your doctor will not be any help. But where do you turn?

The internet is a great source for FREE information about high blood pressure and simple ways to cure and prevent it. (Make sure it is researched though!) Regrettably, most western patients do not believe in natural cures. Western doctors and medicine has brainwashed into believing that natural health is taboo.

But if you look at research, in some cases natural remedies and alternative treatments will outperform traditional medications.

The Biggest Loser Proves Natural Health Works

I recently watched an episode on the popular show, The Biggest Loser. I was impressed at how much weight someone can lose if they are dedicated to the cause of a healthy life. I was also impressed at how many ailments and body problems will go away when someone starts taking care of their health.

One contestant lost hundreds of pounds but also cured diabetes, high blood pressure, gout and 4 other problems. And this was just the result of eating right and living a healthy lifestyle.

In the same token, if you are diabetic, you can also reverse and cure diabetes by learning a healthier lifestyle and nutrition plan.

Let me explain a simple and effective to-do list for you!

Tips for Hypertension Help

1. Supplement fish oil, also known as Omega 3 fatty acid, which is very helpful for the heart. In fact, most dieticians believe that a multivitamin and fish oil are the best two supplements you should be taking. Fish oil has been shown to protect the heart and lower high blood pressure by nine points in some cases.

2. The better nutrition the more likely you are to cure high blood pressure. That is why apple cider vinegar is such a great remedy. Apple cider vinegar includes vitamins C, A, E, B1, B2 and B6, in addition to potassium, magnesium, copper and many other helpful nutrients. Though it does not taste great, you can mix 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to an 8 ounce cup of water and drink up. Add honey for some flavor.

3. Cayenne is another herb that is very helpful for the health of your heart. It is said to improve circulation and help keep the arteries from hardening. Mix a teaspoon of cayenne into a glass of water and drink twice a day.

4. Another simple tip you could try which is also very relaxing??? tea! Drinking as little as a half cup a day of green or oolong tea for a year could cut the risk of hypertension by as much as 50 percent, according to a study done in Taiwan.

5. Finally, educate yourself on the tons of information about your nutrition and hypertension. A great tip would be to eat as many vegetables and fruits as you can in one day. Try to aim for at least 7 servings daily. Fruits and veggies contain water soluble fiber which will naturally flush your body and lower high blood pressure. There are also tons of other tips!

Learn More Researched Remedies

Imagine curing high blood pressure naturally with simple, effective step by step remedies that have been researched! If you would like a 100% guaranteed Hypertension Remedy Report that guarantees your satisfaction, please visit us now.

Joe Barton and Barton Publishing would like to challenge you to cure hypertension naturally with a healthy lifestyle and nutrition plan. Learn more about a 100% guarantee.

Hypertension Help

oolong wuyi tea: wu-yi

oolong wuyi tea: wu-yi tea

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